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대학원 공지사항

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  • 제 2회 숭실대학교 사회복지학과 일반대학원-북경사험대학교 사회개발공공정책대학원 학술교류…

    • 등록일
    • 조회수

제 2회 숭실대학교 사회복지학과 일반대학원-북경사범대학교 사회개발공공정책대학원 학술교류 세미나 안내.

-일정 및 장소-

2014.12.4(목) 오후 3:00 – 오후 6:30 조만식 기념관 533.

Panel Ⅰ:Social Risks in Korea:It’s impact on Nation’s Social Welfare Policy

Convergence of Social Protection Paradigm in Taiwan and The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism.

Panel Ⅱ:A Study on Factors Affecting the Likelihood of the Poverty Exit and Entry of the Asset-Poor Middle Aged and


2014.12.5(금) 오전 9:00 – 오후 12:00 조만식 기념관 533.

Panel Ⅲ:Economic Development, Urbanization and the UHI Phenomenon

Evaluation of Self-sufficiency Program:Psychological Process Perspective

Experiences of Stigma and Discrimination among Caregivers of Persons with Schizophrenia in China.

Panel Ⅳ:Influence of Participant’s Mental Health on Performance of Self-Sufficiency Program

The Relationship of Smoking Cessationa and Depression among Chinese Adult Smokers

A study of Influencing Factors on the Suicidal Tendency.

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